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Love God.   Love People.   Make Disciples.

Sunday School 9:15am

Sunday Service 10:30am

(Back Building)


The GCC Sermon Podcast

is now available!

Listen to our weekly sermons now on your favorite podcast platforms like:
Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Audible, Amazon Music, and more!

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Podcast Info

Why We're Here.

Grace Christian Church's simple heartbeat of faith is to love God and to love people (Matthew 22:37-40), by making much of JESUS through the friendship connections we make in this family-friendly community we call "Home".

We aspire not to just attend church gatherings, but to cultivate and deepen friendships through time spent in small groups, one-on-one discipleship, and serving alongside one another. In doing so, it is our desire not to simply go to church, but be the church by doing life together!


Check out the many ways you can be involved...

Get  Involved.

Right Now Media

Free Access to +20,000 Bible Study Videos 


Every person at our church has free access to biblical video series on:


  •  Books of the Bible

  •  Marriage and parenting

  •  Mental health

  •  Men’s studies

  •  Women’s studies

  •  Youth studies


And so much more! Plus interactive devotionals and hundreds of safe, entertaining kids' shows.

Here at GCC, we aspire to not only attend church gatherings, but to cultivate and deepen friendships through time spent in small groups. It is our hope that each individual is connected in some way to a community of people throughout the week.


Small Groups will run twice a year (Spring & Fall) for 6-8 weeks, with different times, locations, and topics to choose from.

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