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Our Story.

His Glory.


GCC is a community of believers aspiring to cheer one another on in the faith of Jesus Christ (Hebrews 12:1) and to reach out to people around us with acts of service, compassion and kindness (2 Corinthians 5:15) in the hope that the gospel of Jesus Christ would be adorned by LIVING the gospel and not just talking about it.


We, as a family of Christians, desire to help one another grow in sincere love for God and each other by gathering on Sundays for worship, instruction and fellowship; by gathering regularly in home based small groups for deeper friendship, accountability and comradery in the faith; and by individually practicing hospitality at home as a deliberate act to remind ourselves and our children that the Christian life was never intended to be lived out in selfish isolation but rater experienced in the joys and challenges of community.


We embrace the two great commandments to love God supremely and to love people (Matthew 22:37-40), the one great commission to go and make disciples (Matthew 29:19-20) as our primary purposes for being together. Additionally, we are choosing, as a group, to urge one another to pursue a life pleasing the Lord (Romans 12:1), as well as standing by one another when we stumble and fall since we all do (Galatians 6:1).


We recognize that we are not the only church in town and remain grateful to God for the work of the gospel being done “in other parts of the Father’s vineyard.” Our heart toward these brothers and sisters in Christ is similar to Paul’s heart toward the church at Phillippi when he said: “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine making requests for you all with joy for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now” (Phillippians 1:3-5).


In short, it is our desire to give a heartfelt thank you back to Jesus for all He has done for us by not simply GOING to church, but BEING the church.


If, in regards to a church family, you do not currently have a place to call home, please consider taking up in life with us.  Let’s, by the grace of God, do life in CHRIST TOGETHER!



Grace Christian Church of Gladwin was started in April of 2002 with 11 families, meeting in rented spaces within Gladwin County.

Within 5 years, the Lord graciously provided a small meeting place which the church purchased on Chappel Dam Rd in Gladwin.

After a number of years meeting in rented spaces, Grace Christian Church began meeting for their Sunday gatherings in the basement of the Pastor's home.

The Chappel Dam building was paid off and outgrown in approximately 5 years. Through another kindness extended, the current buildings and property at 963 N M-18 were purchased from a Christian couple who were friends of the ministry.


Learn more about what we believe and what we teach regarding specific topics.

Here at GCC, we aspire to not only attend church gatherings, but to cultivate and deepen friendships through time spent in small groups. It is our hope that each individual is connected in some way to a community of people throughout the week.


Small Groups will run twice a year (Spring & Fall) for 6-8 weeks, with different times, locations, and topics to choose from.

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